Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Rising Tempers

Have you ever gotten so angry that you completely lost your wits? No wait, let me rephrase my question.. How many times this week, have you gotten so angry that you completely lost your wits? I wont be surprised if you answer the latter, probably with a high number. This is what is happening nowadays.. right from the time you wake up.. (Which is 90% of the time later than what you had planned!) Your patience is tested in so many beautiful ways.. you somehow manage to start on time from home but then the traffic decides to beat you to it.. and so you snake your way through, to get to your workplace feeling like you have conquered the world, but alas! Your team leader awaits you with devilish plans of his own and makes you slog the entire day. Just when you have reached the end point of your endurance, the boss enters and you are forced to put up a flawless facade masking your internal agony.. work is criticised and frowned upon (mostly because you make a gullible vent for the frustrations of your seniors) By now you’re already seeing red, but wait there’s still the ride back home, battling traffic which just got worse.
At the end of the day you feel like a battered soldier and pray heavens to speed up time and jump to the weekend! But if your luck takes a turn for the worse, you will have pending jobs like renewing your passport.. and my oh my over there your tolerance levels are simply tested on a whole new level! Personally having experienced it and rejected twice (Oh the abominable shame!) So yeah, as if the work wasn’t enough for you to conclude that you are cursed, the Indian government and the rain gods decide to pitch in too!
Anyways, coming to the conclusion.. this post is not for you to read and go “Oh that happened to me!!” but to do something about it.. well, more like avoid it. The world on the whole is getting quick tempered and the only way to solve this problem is to take a ‘Chill- Pill’ (can’t help with the cliché) and by simply not giving a damn about it. Its alright to be a little care free sometimes. Meeting up with friends, listening to some music (‘Bad Day’ by Daniel Powter..a great song when you’re having a rotten day!)  or just taking a long walk can do wonders in keeping that temper in check. Life is filled with ups and downs but that doesn’t mean you blow your lid off over it! Always remember the fate of our friendly neighbourhood transformer (not the movie). ‘With great power fluctuations, comes gr.. KABOOM!!’ (total black out)
Have a nice day!!


  1. daniel powter.. <3 <3
    i like the ending the best.. :)

  2. The irony of YOU writing about temper! :P

    Still awesome though! ;)

    1. yes yes my child! come let me thulp u :) thank u chiss!:)
