Sunday, 19 August 2012

Love and Other Drugs

“Sometimes the things you want the most don't happen and what you least expect happens. I don't know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.”

For starters, this post is not about the Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal starring movie ‘Love and Other Drugs’! (although the above quote is taken from the movie) It is rather a comparison drawn between the hallucinatory drugs and another potent drug called ‘Love’.
Love! The heady rush one achieves during a new found love. That surreal joy, the unexplained exhilaration (crazy rising pulse!), the warm feeling that reaches to the very core, an escape from the banality of life, a pleasant mirage conceived by a thirsty heart, a clandestine affair so filled with thrill that you lose the ability of thinking clearly! Such striking similarities between the two truly amazes me.
However, everything in life comes with a price.. I ponder over this, midway at war with my paramour (currently, former.. sigh!) I come across, the inebriated state this feeling creates within us hapless beings, searching for companionship. Craving for more, this addiction blinds many a soul with a deceiving panache, the vulnerability attached with it seems as unnerving as the Russian roulette! Before you realise, you are already neck deep caught in a swirling ocean of helplessness created by none but you! It truly feels like a point of no return. Although, there are countless antidotes, I doubt any would heed to it.

P.S- I just realized that, this is my tenth post!! :) Thank you all readers for the support!! This post starts a new chapter in my life.. A new beginning, I welcome it with a smile! :)


  1. Looks like you've experienced too much of love (you are officially love drunk)!!! nice post, btw and congrats on the 10th post too :)

  2. Hehe no Archana its the opposite of that.. :) (notice the former paramour thingy?!!) so yeah.. more like love hangover :P! n thank u so much!! :)
