Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Creating the Pinnacle of My Life!

Its good to get back to writing from the brief hiatus I had taken.. called 'My job!'
At my training, we had a session called 'Pinnacle' which focused on personality development and building a clear vision of what one would want to achieve in life. A mere three day program can change one's personality and perspective towards life?! That intrigued me. The result truly amazed me! Mocking my uncertainty.. it revealed a whole new realm of possiblities with the power of striving and accomplishing every single one! At the end of the session each and every person was to make a vision for themselves, along with the the exact time they would achieve it. All of us, bustling with energy and optimism rushed to chalk our ideas. Mine went something like this.. I'm penning this down as a post, so that it stands as a testament to what I must achieve.
So here it goes, My five year plan!

1. Work for a year or two and get some hands on experience in the corporate world.
2. Pursue MBA from a reputed college in marketing and HR.
3. Get placed as an HR in a reputed company.
4. Meanwhile, get settled with the right one and start a family of my own.
5. Start a joint venture with friends of an animal shelter.
6. In every step of this vision, see to that my parents are happy and proud of me.
7. Most importantly, grow as a person in the aspects of religion and spirituality.

That's about it I guess, thanks to 'Pinnacle', a dream that seemed as an unlikely possibility.. now appears so vivid and distinguishable.


  1. Man...tell me about it, the 'Pinnacle' session changed my perspective of life too. There's no other feeling in the world to compete with the feeling of infinite possibilities. What say?

  2. ohh when did you start working?! and yes!! That session is one thing I'll surely be thankful to Wipro for!!:)

    1. when did I start working?? ouch...that's gotta hurt dude, finished my pinnacle session 2 weeks ago. Full steam ahead on my training

  3. oops!! hey you keep performing this vanishing act on me! I cant help sometimes :P anyways omg!! welcome to wipro babe!! :D

    1. Thanks...;) btw, do you remember the song we made up during our jumpstart?

    2. Hahaha ofcourse I do!! how can I forget! 'I'm Bored (say wha say wha!)' and the 'freak'n freak'n yeahh!!' :D
      Aah Memories!! :D
