Monday, 29 April 2013

The Two Sides To Practicality

Being practical, as the oxford dictionary likes to call it "A sensible and realistic approach to a situation or problem". Now Realistic, I agree, because no problem can be solved hypothetically! But sensible, now that's where I wonder.. When someone is being practical they are actually mostly numbing down their senses, say their emotions (how it might affect me, the world and yada yada), prejudices, instincts (that gut feeling you can't ward off) and a lot of other things which comes in the way of a logical solution to the problem. Many a time, practical thinkers have been branded as head strong, moral less or sometimes even soul less! Various situations get various names and it’s mainly pointed out by the ones who bear the brunt of this practicality. The practical being himself is however unscathed, his interlude of logical thinking being an easy mask for his own selfish purposes or escaping a pang of guilt and sorrow, thereby following the mantra "You forget your emotional side for once and get drawn to just plain old logic"
Practicality when accepted as a way of life, often lessens the scars of emotional trauma and the meaningless taunts your pessimistic mind sometimes hurls at you; such people most often don't regret their decisions or their outcomes. If followed it until their death, they mostly die with no regrets. Eventually, it has its own pros and cons. So what would you prefer?


  1. i would like to find a balance between the two !!
    maybe not 50-50
    but maybe 25-75 or 85-15
    or maybe its better to stick to 50-50 :P lolzzz
    i guess i need to find my comfort where ill able to decide the correct ratio for the two :)

  2. see now that's a practical answer! :)
