Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The different sides to me

The Erratic Side

This side of mine is mostly seen by my immediate family. Personally I feel they should be awarded for putting up with my antiques. Now, its not the normal kind of crazy .. the spontaneous and hedonistic things 20 somethings are famous for doing.. no .. its the retarded crazy. An annoying blend of childishness, mentally ill, mixed with an incessant urge to coddle (merely torturing by excessive hugging and cheek pecks) and a simply alarming (read requiring medical attention) obsession with cats. Starting with literal cat calling in the morning and conversing in high pitched voice. I don't do this to seek attention, this is basically how I am, period. Just writing this makes me want to visit a doctor.. sigh.

The Twisted- Sarcastic Side

This one's reserved for my closest friends, the ones who 'get' me. Where I don't have to watch my words or fear being judged. I just blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind, be as sarcastic, cheap, stupid or condescending as I can get and still expect them to read between the lines. I almost use this side as a filter to choose my company, those who take my sarcastic comments in a literal sense automatically fall in the line of being treated formally (curt hellos and how do you dos!) The rest.. well, they are hauled in for some really prolonged verbal torture.

The Philosopher Side

A surprising yet welcomed facet of mine. Generally activated in times of emotional perils, I tend to hand out some of the most level-headed advices to my close ones. This is the time when I'm the least judgmental (almost counselor-like) and pretty sane in the head. Initially my family fails to recognize the words coming out of my mouth (thanks to the other erratic side) but finally they start to ponder over the sensible stuff I ramble. In a way, its a relief to not be entirely loony.

The Responsible- kid Side

At first, I thought my 'proper' mannerisms towards the outside world was a just a pretense, that I was actually eager to pull off the sweet facade and turn into some kind of a rebelling hilly billy! Fortunately, I didn't feel the urge to do so. I effortlessly turn sober as soon as I step out of my comfort zone.This in turn gives others an impression that I might be a person they can depend upon, which has helped me in countless situations over the time.

The Self obsessed Dictator Side

Seen occasionally in painful doses by my close ones. I can dominate the living day lights out of people before they even realize what is happening to them. What follows after an unforeseen bout of narcissism quickly transforms into a mind controlling frenzy which quite surely ends up with lots of differences and emotional scars. These are the times when my closest pray that I turn back into my loony, cat obsessed self.

Writing about my mental fragmentation makes me wonder if I'm a schizophrenic! Do you have different sides of yours too, so contrasting and yet your own?


  1. Its good to see that the different sides of you has favored you in one way or the other !! :P lolzzz

    All i know about my self is that i am a complex human being and i dare not classify , analyse , order or organize it i fear i might not like what i find :P lolzzz most likely to find a highly sophisticated technologically advanced Erratic Philosopher who behaves like a Self obsessed irresponsible kid


    yet another master piece hats off silky smooth hairrrrrrr :P

    1. haha well first of all thank you very much :) my compartmentalized sides are perhaps the biggest reason behind my mercurial moods.. but I'm not complaining!
      What you say is also.. better keep unknown fears at the bay haha!

  2. hahaha !! you do know the funny thing about fear :P from my previous comments :P lolzzz
