Tuesday 9 October 2012

Few Unspoken Words

There are a million instances where we fail to express our feelings to people.. be it a heartfelt apology which never made it out of our heart, few words of forgiveness, or an expression of love and care, or just plain wrath that stayed dormant over the years, only to ruin relationships one fine day (personally experienced.. sigh!). In every walk of life we come across myriads of feelings for people but somehow manage to conceal expressing it to them. Makes me wonder, why do we even do that? Random disconnected words crop in my mind in the form of answers. Pride, shame, stubbornness, affection or just plain stupidity! People tend to complicate simple issues in their 'pragmatically- challenged' heads and taint bonds over simple or somber exchange of words. A lesson to be learnt from little children or perhaps a person's dying wishes, is the urge to speak out their feelings. A childhood once lost is gone forever.. but why wait till it comes down to our last words. Why not muster up the courage and blurt those few unspoken words! Life might just turn out to be different after all.. all those lost opportunities will cease to exist when we retrospect our life one fine day and we may actually be content with our decisions. The whole mania of 'You only live once' (YOLO!) might just make sense after all.

1 comment:

  1. i guess one word for that thing would be EGO !!
    easily to get but difficult to lose !!
