Friday 26 October 2012

Right Who?!

Alright.. so I have been told by my ardent followers (haha!) that I am turning too 'Emo' in my posts! After the initial 'OMG! How can you say this to me' kind of reaction.. I did realize that the mood in my posts are turning morose. So yeah, without any further delay.. I shall get back to my wry and retarded style.
A few days back, I came across this cliche line 'They keep saying that the right one will come along.. I think mine got hit by a truck!' Although I had heard this before, oddly enough I rolled over and laughed my head off! You see, I'm currently in the process of 'Soul searching' or maybe just 'Searching' (If you know what I mean!) and somehow this line seemed very fitting at this point in time. But ofcourse as usual my brain loved to come up with random quirky alternatives of what events could take place, resulting into him going AWOL! (Ok.. by now you must have decided that this is a pointless post! but hey, I bet many would relate to it in some way). So here's a list of what may have happened to 'Mr. Right!'.

1. Is no more!.. sigh (I'm such an optimist!)
2. Abducted by aliens for being extraordinary!
3. Is a poor guy's soul, trapped in a girl's body!
4. Is actually a girl! (Woah!)
5. Is a girl trapped in a guy's body! (Yikes!)
6. Has gone under cover and hence all records are missing. (Ethan Hunt image!)
7. Has transfigured into my pet cat.. to constantly watch over me! (No wonder I love my cat so much!)
8. Is actually none but 'ME'! (Oh no wonder I'm so self obsessed)
9. Is playing hide & seek with me. (Only hide in this case!)
10. Has gone to the Himalayas for 'Soul searching' like me.
11. Renounced worldly pleasures and turned a monk.
12. Got recruited by the Al- Qaida. (Oh god no!)
13. Is stuck in a time warp and repeating the same day over and over.
14. Is a cartoon/ fictional character. (Eg. 'Flinn Ryder' from the anime 'Tangled'!)
15. Has gone invisible, thanks to either uncontrolled mutation or an invisibility cloak!

... And the list goes on..

P.S- I just realized that this post is sort of 'Emo' too! Yikes! Post here, if you have any theories of your own!!


  1. haha...that was a good read. My pick is the alien abduction. You'd probably have to go to Mars too then...will definitely all your randomness :(

    1. *will definitely miss all your randomness. Stupid brain chatter, stop making typos

  2. lol thank you:) aah.. dont worry I shall keep you posted from anywhere! :) Anyhow do you have any theories!?

  3. amazing !! it was a roller coaster ride
    monk sounds perfect :P
    mind blowing ~~ no no mind blasting !!
    double thumbs up ;)

    1. haha hold on chowdy!! :P thank u thank u !! :D

  4. My Mr right is I can have whoever I want,whenever I feel like..;)

    1. lol dat's a gr8 one!! :D no wonder we are together!!
